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Tracie Campbell

Director of Visual Art


Meet Tracie Campbell!   


A native of Alexandria, Louisiana, Tracie has been teaching art at Bolton High School since 2001.  Since that time the Bolton Art Department has developed a regional reputation in excellence in the visual arts.  Tracie’s students regularly obtain top honors and rankings in the YACA (Young Artist Creating Art) association competitions, and many have gone on to pursue visual art as career.


During her tenure at Bolton Tracie began the Advanced Placement Studio Art Program in 2003 and the annual Bolton Chalkfest in 2005.  In addition to these programs, Tracie started the Bolton National Art Honor Society in 2012, which does over 500 hours of art-related community service each year.


Tracie is a professional artist in her own right and holds a B.A. in art from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  She is also became a National Board Certified Teacher in Art and Early Adolescence through Adulthood in 2010 and was named the Bolton Teacher of the Year in 2011-2012.


Tracie is excited to be the Director of the Visual Arts for the Bolton Conservatory and is looking forward to continuing the tradition of excellence in Visual Arts at Bolton!

Chalkfest 2019



Local Headlines 

Bolton High School 15th annual Chalkfest

April 12, 2019 Jojuana Phillips 0 Comments


On  Friday ,April  12th Bolton High School held their 15th annual chalkfest  event .Students ditched class all together to create vivd  pieces  of art work  .For the past 15 years chalkfest has been the event that students looked forward to next to prom.
What started to be just a end of the school year event for students turned into something much more. Students calls the art  event  therapeutic . Over the years the event was held outside , but due to the weather they moved it to gym .
Which created the idea of displaying them in the halls for everyone to see .

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